Digital copyright meeting between the Motion Picture Association of America (MPA) and SCONNECT Viet Nam

Published: 28-02-2023

On February 21, at SCONNECT Hanoi office, a meeting took place about the topic "International emerging developments in Artificial Intelligence and implications to creative works and copyrights: "The impact on the IP world". The expert and the guests in this meeting are Professor Jane C. Ginsburg, a well-known authority on intellectual property law and a staunch defender of author's rights (under the University of Law, Columbia, USA).

This event was organized with the support of DCCA - Digital Content Creation Alliance. The meeting was attended by copyright and intellectual property lawyers; employee of the US Embassy and members of the Digital Content Creation Alliance Club and employees of SCONNECT.

The meeting was attended by IP lawyers and the US Embassy

Through the meeting, the guests and Sconnect's staff can access and cultivate knowledge about digital copyright and intellectual property from a professor of a leading US law university.

After the meeting, Professor Jane C. Ginsburg and the guests visited Sconnect's offices and business projects. The guests were delighted to see firsthand the production technologies of the S family and received a gift from Wolfoo, the character who is loved by millions of children around the world.

Professor Jane C. Ginsburg and the guests visited Sconnect's offices and business projects

This is an opportunity to introduce Sconnect Vietnam to representatives of the largest film production organizations in the US because MPA is the organization representing America's largest Big Six Studio. 

MPA information here



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