Week Spotlight: What events did WOA's sub-brands have?

Published: 03-01-2023

1. Educational cooperation between SCONNECT Academy and the T-school education system

On December 17, 2022, SCONNECT International Animation Academy cooperated with T-School Kindergarten to organize the event: "Creating Christmas with children." The program was an educational cooperative activity with an early education orientation on career experiences for children.

week spotlight

                   A large number of parents and students attended the educational cooperation event

Through the experience of shaping with clay, “playing while studying, studying while playing”, the program brought many exciting experiences to both parents and students of T-School. Parents and children learned more about the animation industry and the famous cartoon character Wolfoo from SCONNECT in Vietnam.

week spotlight

                                        Students were excited to participate in the program.

Accompanying many educational units, SCONNECT Academy is implementing a variety of educational cooperation activities to bring useful programs to students in Hanoi and will soon be deployed to many provinces and other cities to replicate this meaningful program.

2. Wolfoo City accompanies the ANDER SARO CUP VIETNAM balance race 

On December 25, 2022, the Ander Saro Cup Vietnam Balance Race was held at My Dinh National Stadium, Le Duc Tho, Hanoi. Wolfoo City was honored to be the sponsor and companion of the attractive tournament for "child racers". Wolfoo City brought many attractive gifts for the children attending this event.

week spotlight

                          Many children participate in ANDER SARO CUP VIETNAM balance race

The ANDER SARO VIETNAM Balance Race is not only an opportunity for children to exercise their physical strength, and mental strength but also for them to learn more valuable lessons.

3. Christmas Eve Event in Wolfoo City

Recently, Wolfoo City held a Christmas Eve party on December 24, 2022. The space of the amusement park was full of Christmas colors and magical fairy tales. Santa Claus comes on Christmas Eve with a gift many children look forward to. Christmas wishes to help children to dream and develop their imaginations From there, it creates compassion, love, and affection in children for everyone and everything around them.

week spotlight

                                  Children are excited when Santa Claus gives them gifts

In the music and warm Christmas atmosphere, parents and children together have fun, experience, and cultivate family affection, spreading love.

Hastag: #woa

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