This event was attended by 300 guests who are representatives of state agencies, associations and the press, business partners, and a large number of digital Content Creators in Vietnam. TUBRR has been established in the Czech Republic in 2012, expanded its operations in Vietnam for more than 1 year, and officially launched in the Vietnam business market in October.
According to SignalFire’s statistics, there are nearly 46.7 million Content Creators, of which about two-thirds self-identify as amateur Content Creators. This proves that too many Creators are not confident in promoting themselves to create attractive content, leading to their channel not being exploited to its full potential. Understanding this, TUBRR has a mission to make creating and managing content on the YouTube platform accessible. Therefore, it helps to spread the value of a personal brand quickly to achieve a career in many ways: not only in terms of money but also relationships, and recognition.
In addition, currently many Content Creators make new ideas from common knowledge without actually understanding the algorithms and regulations of the platform, leading to slow channel growth as well as unwarranted violations.
In the context of the strong development of YouTube in Vietnam, along with that is the difficulty in accessing and interacting with the platform owner, YouTube. To solve severe problems for Content Creators, TUBRR entered Vietnam to fulfill its mission of helping creators develop their careers and connect worldwide.
In the markets in the Czech Republic & Slovakia before, TUBRR has maintained its performance against large, international MCNs with thousands of large and small channels. TUBRR persuaded the creators that “a new MCN can also provide them with a lot of support and promote channel growth that is not inferior to other large MCNs”. Instead of providing a complete portfolio with available standard services, TUBRR will design and build a suitable strategy based on the requirements of each customer. Customers in Vietnam can now trust TUBRR – the leading YouTube specialist MCN in Vietnam.
“Our Network is developing throughout the days and helps hundreds of channels to improve. TUBRR is wide-opened and cooperating with professional producing teams, movie producing teams, music, and same as artists. TUBRR is proud to be one of the first and most completed MCNs in Vietnam. We are running on all three professional managing CMS: Managed CMS, Affiliate CMS, and Music CMS, in the market recently there were just a few MCNs that have these functions”, said the Head of Tubrr.
TUBRR's core competence: As a complete MCN that owns 3 CMS systems along with 10 years of experience and reputation in working with YouTube, TUBRR is confident of having enough platform capacity based on synergy: operating force along with the knowledge and professionalism of the MCN operation team.
Services provided by TUBRR: Granting content production cooperation channels (O&O CMS), providing music production cooperation channels (Music CMS), inviting channels (Affiliate CMS); All content is carefully evaluated and reviewed before receiving.
In addition, TUBRR provides content and music in order for exploitation; provides solutions to defend creators’ content copyright.
Safety – Transparency – Dedication – Companion – Connection – Optimizing income the 6 values that TUBRR commits to bringing to customers.
By the prestige of 10 years of experience working with millions of creators and brands in the European market. With the almighty support of TUBRR, the work of Vietnamese creators will be easier and faster to achieve desired goals with maximum time efficiency. TUBRR’s mission is “WORLDWIDE CREATIVE VALUE WORKSHOP”.
TUBRR is committed to providing dedicated support and professional, reputable and transparent services to creators and brands. With the spirit of connecting to create value globally, TUBRR is always creative and devoted to development for the benefit of customers.
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👉Visit Group Kiếm tiền từ Youtube có khó không - Top quality professional community for Youtubers in Vietnam to exchange more in-depth knowledge about content creation on Youtube.