Find out more about WOA Fairy Tales

Published: 07-10-2023

WOA Fairy Tales engages teenagers aged from 13 to 18 years old. The channel's content is divided into these categories: fable, folktale, magical, mythic, legend, and narrative.

WOA Fairy Tales has a substantial following on social media, with 2.5 million subscribers on YouTube. WOA Fairy Tale conveys the content of famous fairy tales worldwide using a narrative style with fantasy and myth elements to increase the attractiveness of the story and make meaningful lessons more engaging. WOA Fairy Tales content revolves around familiar characters such as princes, princesses, kings, stepmothers, witches, etc., and anthropomorphic images of objects and creatures. 


The mystery in the legend and the magical element are recreated, all of which have made the script more attractive than ever, especially for the young audience. Content provides viewers with significant value and high levels of entertainment, as well as bringing educational principles to life, imparting valuable life lessons, and fostering mental development in young people.

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