Discover Luka: WOA's First Stop-motion Animated Series
Luka is the first stop-motion animated series produced by WOA. This series revolves around the daily life of Luka, a clay boy, and his family.
Through each episode, Luka and his friends embark on various fun and educational activities, aiding children in their natural learning and exploration journey. We aim for Luka to provide children with moments of learning and play, while also accompanying parents in connecting and educating their young ones.
Luka now airing on multiple kid-friendly networks
WOA Luka is a leading entertainment animation channel tailored for children that features both entertaining and educational animated series. Designed to cater to children's different ages and developmental stages, we create content and characters that resonate with each child's personality, accompanied by a friendly Vietnamese voice-over team. Not only guiding children in self-improvement, but parents can also find useful parenting tips from WOA Luka Vietnam, aiming for a brighter future generation.
We hope that our content can deliver valuable messages to the community, while also connecting with numerous stop-motion enthusiasts worldwide. New episodes will be released weekly, so don't forget to hit the Subscribe button on our channel to stay updated!